The Made Home
This project involved removal or relocation of 3 walls and one door. This opened up the space occupied by kitchen, dining room and living room into one large room. to open up the space. The attic was reinforced to strengthen the ceiling. Dad followed Tami Gavin’s design and cabinets were manufactured and installed by Freeman Custom Cabinets, and countertops installed by Dobervich Stone.
Tami’s Design (6 pages of specs) Original kitchen Original kitchen Original dining room Dining room with door to back room. Original Living Room Original Living Room Attic trusses reinforced by Paul before project could begin. Attic trusses reinforced before project could begin. Demo wall to create new rear room entry Removing old cabinet from wall that has to move Demo north kitchen wall This roof support wall has to move back one foot. Living room and ding room walls gone Paul helps building new rear wall Refrigerator and cabinents will go on the new wall Kitchen cabinets gone Ducting and wiring for new kitchen Paint new walls New appliances arrive Cabinets arrive Cabinets get installed Cabinets get installed Evan helps with New floor around cabinet bases before trim. Counter tops fit perfectly. Installed in two hours. Installing sink plumbing Wall cabinets hung Cabinet doors installed Gray subway tiles for backsplash Finished kitchen Finished kitchen Finished kitchen Finished kitchen Finished kitchen Finished kitchen